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2024 Back-to-School Care Fair

Join VB Schools and over 100 youth-serving organizations, agencies and school division departments for an informational and fun-filled day that gives families the opportunity to connect with valuable resources which promote youth development and well-being.

Homeless Education

Project HOPE - Virginia Beach is the homeless education program for Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) and is facilitated by staff in the division’s Office of School Social Work Services. Services and supports are provided to homeless children and youth pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which is federal legislation that ensures educational rights and protection for youth and children experiencing homelessness.

Project HOPE Contact Information:

VBCPS Office of School Social Work Services
Mr. Damion Wilson, Homeless Education Liaison
Mr. Dustin Schwandt, School Social Worker
757-263-2300, option 1

Email Project HOPE