Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
Health Services for Students
Virginia Beach City Public Schools health services foster the growth, development, and academic achievement of students by promoting their health and well being while maintaining a healthy and safe school environment. School Nurses help to identify and address the health and safety needs of students, build collaborative partnerships, and provide quality health services that are culturally proficient and responsive to the changing health and safety needs of students and the school community.
Each school clinic is staffed with a full-time registered nurse, along with trained clinic assistants in the larger schools to support the well-being of a student's health. They provide health screenings, assessments for chronic and acute illness, and first aid for school-related injuries. The registered nurse at each school is available to consult with parents as needed, regarding health concerns of students. The school clinic does not serve as the student's physician or primary care provider.