Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
School Emergencies
How will I be notified if there is an emergency at my child’s school?
Should there be an emergency situation at your child’s school, parents will be notified by phone and email via AlertNow. As new information on the emergency situation becomes available, updates will be provided. All parents are encouraged to check with the office staff at your child’s school to make sure your home, cell and work phone numbers and email addresses are correct.
Parents also may call the VBCPS Emergency Hotline at 757.263.1000. This phone number is manned by staff Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or may visit the homepage of
As a parent, how often will I be updated on the school emergency?
To ensure that every parent has the most accurate account of the emergency situation, parents will be updated by school division staff via AlertNow. These updates will be communicated to parents when new information becomes available and when the emergency has ended.
Should I report to the scene of the incident/emergency?
Should there be an emergency situation in a school or at a school-sponsored activity, access to the scene will be limited and controlled by fire or police officials.
When parents are notified of the emergency situation, information will be provided to parents, by school staff, giving direction on how they should respond. Parents are encouraged to remain close to their source of communication, whether it is phone or email, to ensure they are receiving accurate and timely updates on the emergency from school division staff.
Once the emergency is declared "over," will parents be able to report to their child’s school?
When school staff communicate to parents that the school emergency has ended, direction will be provided on how parents will reunite with their child. Parents will be directed to a specific location that could be located off campus. It is important that parents follow these directions for the safety of all students, staff and parents.
Remember, a student can only be released to an adult that is documented as an emergency contact. If you are a non-custodial parent, you must be listed with your child's emergency contact information as a guardian and show proper identification.
If the school building is evacuated, how will I be able to locate my child?
Each school has a procedure for helping parents locate their child. Parents will be directed to a specific location where they will be required to show proper identification. Remember, a student can only be released to an adult who is documented as an emergency contact. If you are a non-custodial parent, you must be listed with your child's emergency contact information as a guardian and show proper identification.