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2024 Back-to-School Care Fair

Join VB Schools and over 100 youth-serving organizations, agencies and school division departments for an informational and fun-filled day that gives families the opportunity to connect with valuable resources which promote youth development and well-being.

2024 Elementary Summer School Information

VBCPS is offering amazing summer learning opportunity to all pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students who were enrolled in Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) during the 2023-24 school year!

2024-25 federal grant information presented to Virginia Beach School Board

The Virginia Beach School Board received information about proposed federal grant applications at its May 14 meeting. For the 2024-25 school year, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) would receive approximately $21.1 million in formula grant funds through programs authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).


In this age of information technology, it is vital that students have access to technology tools to support their classroom learning. To assist families who do not have a home computer, the Virginia Student Training and Refurbishment (VA STAR) program, coordinated through the Virginia Beach Education Foundation, provides free, refurbished computers to identified students to support academic achievement.

How does it work?

Group of people at VA STAR

Through VA STAR, students in the Computer Systems Technology class at the Advanced Technology Center refurbish donated computer equipment from individuals, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, state agencies and private companies. The computers are re-imaged with Windows 10 software and come with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) already installed. Through participation in the program, students work toward earning industry-standard certifications, which can pave the way for both higher education and well-paying jobs.

Who is eligible to receive a computer?

Students are selected to receive a computer through an application process. School staff, including teachers or school counselors, can recommend a child for participation in the program or a parent or guardian may submit an application directly to the Office of Strategic Communications. In order to be selected, families must meet the following requirements:

  • The student must be currently enrolled in a Virginia Beach City Public School;
  • The family cannot have a working desktop or laptop computer at home; and
  • A parent/guardian must attend a brief informational session at the time the computer is received.

What is the cost to participate?

The donated computers are distributed at no cost to families. Due to a limited supply of computers, families are sometimes placed on a wait-list before receiving a computer.

How do I...