Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
Main Office phone: 757.263.1821
Aim to promote access to information and resources necessary to ensure academic success as well as improve the social well-being of families and students.
Engage and empower family and community stakeholders through division collaboration of resources, services and information that leads to a well-balanced and successful student.
Beach Bags
The Beach Bags program provides shelf-stable meals and healthy snacks to students who might otherwise go hungry during weekends and over school breaks, including the long summer breaks.
Office of Family and Community Engagement
Director - Dr. Admon Alexander, Ed.D.
Coordinator, School and Community Partnerships - Jennifer McGowan
Coordinator, Virginia Beach Education Foundation - Debbie Hughes
Family Outreach Representative - Rebecca Headings
Family Outreach Representative - Candace Merriman
Family Outreach Representative - Contessa D. Magee
Family Outreach Representative - Domenica M. Nichols
Family Outreach Representative - Jacqueline Crawley Coleman
Family Outreach Representative - Joyce L. Hawkins
Family Outreach Representative - Tina C. Garfield
Administrative Office Associate II - Mary Hunt
Administrative Office Associate I, VBEF - Betsy Scales
Communications Program Associate, VBEF - Renee Earling
Office email address-