Provide your input on the 2025-2027 school year calendars.
Call To Action
At various times throughout the year, Virginia Beach City Public Schools is in need of assistance from our community for specific activities. These times of need are referred to as a Call to Action. These Calls to Action target community volunteers with talents matching those needed by any of our 85 schools/centers or at the district level.
Here is a sample of the types of activities that may be included in a Call to Action:
- Textbook adoption
- Curriculum development
- Advisory group/committee
- Speakers
- Mentors
- Special events
- Office assistance
Current Calls to Action
- Content
There are no current call to actions at this time.
Community Advisory Committees
The School Board of the City of Virginia Beach is seeking parents, community members and staff to serve as members of various Community Advisory Committees. Community members interested in serving on an advisory committee should complete and submit this application along with a letter of interest to the Clerk of the School Board no later than Friday, May 3, 2024. Each applicant must be a resident of Virginia Beach unless otherwise noted in School Board Policy 7-21.
Please remit your completed application along with a letter of interest via E-mail or U.S. Mail to:
Regina Toneatto, Clerk of the School Board
Virginia Beach City Public Schools
P.O. Box 6038
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
Phone: (757) 263-1016
All information on this application will be treated as confidential and shared only with those individuals responsible for reviewing and vetting applications.
Community Advisory Committees
The School Board of the City of Virginia Beach is seeking parents, community members and staff to serve as members of various Community Advisory Committees as described below. Terms of service begin July 1, 2024. Some applicants are selected to represent specific zones within the city. In those cases, the volunteer must meet the committee’s residency requirements. Community members interested in serving on an advisory committee should request an application from John Sutton, VBCPS coordinator of Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs, and return by April 24, 2024. Please see below the following committee positions:
- Special Education Advisory Committee
- Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education
- General Advisory Council for Technical and Career Education
Special Education Advisory Committee
The School Board is seeking volunteers to serve on the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). Members needed include parents of children with disabilities, individuals with disabilities, representative from a community organization and a local teacher representative. The term for members is three years. SEAC has certain conditions on membership. Only one Virginia Beach City Public School employee can be appointed to SEAC and that employee has to be a teacher.
SEAC meets monthly (September – June) in order to fulfill the following duties and responsibilities:
- Review annually the local plan for the education of students with disabilities, including revisions;
- Determine the extent to which the local plan for the previous year was implemented;
- Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities;
- Represent the community;
- Encourage a collaborative relationship between School Division staff and the community;
- Become knowledgeable about current programs, research, and best practices in special education and its relationship with general education;
- Focus attention on issues relative to improving the educational services for special education students; and
- Submit recommendations of the Committee in writing to the Superintendent and the School Board.
To learn more about SEAC, please contact the division’s Parent Support and Information Center at 757-263-2066.
Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education
The School Board is seeking representatives from the Bayside attendance zone to serve on the Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education. Those who fill the representative positions will be voting members of the Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education. Per committee bylaws, voting members cannot be employed by Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Members of this committee include parents of students identified as gifted, representatives from community agencies and organizations and local school personnel who serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. The term for members is three years.
The Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education meets monthly (September – June). The responsibilities and duties of this advisory committee are to:
- Review annually the local plan for the education of gifted students, including revisions;
- Determine the extent to which the local plan for the previous year was implemented;
- Develop annual goals and priorities;
- Represent the community;
- Encourage a collaborative relationship between school division staff and the community;
- Become knowledgeable about current programs, research, and best practices in gifted education and its relationship with general education;
- Focus attention on issues relative to improving the educational services for gifted students; and
- Submit recommendations of the advisory committee in writing to the Superintendent and the School Board.
For additional information about the Community Advisory Committee for Gifted Education, please contact the division’s Office of K-12 and Gifted Programs at 757-263-1188.
General Advisory Council for Technical and Career Education
The School Board is seeking (6) representatives to serve on the General Advisory Council for Technical and Career Education.
The General Advisory Council for Technical and Career Education meets quarterly or at the request of the Chair. The responsibilities and duties of this advisory council are to:
· Develop methods by which council members may most effectively function as channels of communication between the schools and the total community;
· Influence the expansion and quality of technical and career education programs in the schools;
· Provide liaison service that unifies the educational program of the schools toward meeting universal and common technical and career education needs of students, industry, and the community;
· Formulate means by which the committee may act as advisors and consultants to all groups, to school guidance departments, and the total community concerning technical and career education preparation and opportunities; and
· Encourage the cooperation of employers to seek applicants from among qualified youth, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, genetic information or veteran status.
For additional information about the General Advisory Council for Technical and Career Education, please contact the division’s Office at (757) 648-5850.