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Purpose Statement

The purpose of Virginia Beach City Public Schools’ Office of Procurement Services is to manage the procurements of essential goods and services by developing and maintaining the most efficient, cost-effective processes.

Vendors: Doing Business with Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Virginia Beach City Public Schools welcomes the opportunity to do business with vendors in the community. Our Office of Procurement Services is interested in fostering participation by all qualified businesses offering commodities and services utilized by the school division. The procurement office has the responsibility of making the most economical acquisition of quality goods and services to ensure efficient operation of the school division.

It is essential for interested business persons to have access to the School Board's procurement policies and procedures to serve as a general guide. Specific questions and concerns not addressed here should be directed to the procurement department.

Virginia Beach City Public Schools has a contract with DemandStar for the maintenance of an automated bidder's list and an electronic bid board. Vendors register by commodity code for goods and services offered by the vendor. Vendors who have subscribed to the bidders list are notified by either fax or email whenever a formal sealed bid has been issued for the commodity or service offered by the vendor.

Add Your Business to Virginia Beach City Public Schools Bidders List

To have your firm placed on the bidders list, click here to register for details. An application must be completed that requires general information about your firm and lists the commodities and services that you wish to sell.

Procurement Policies

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments with regards to the school division’s Office of Procurement Services, contact the school division’s procurement office at

Virginia Beach City Public Schools
Office of Procurement Services
2512 George Mason Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23456