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2024 Back-to-School Care Fair

Join VB Schools and over 100 youth-serving organizations, agencies and school division departments for an informational and fun-filled day that gives families the opportunity to connect with valuable resources which promote youth development and well-being.

2024 Elementary Summer School Information

VBCPS is offering amazing summer learning opportunity to all pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students who were enrolled in Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) during the 2023-24 school year!

2024-25 federal grant information presented to Virginia Beach School Board

The Virginia Beach School Board received information about proposed federal grant applications at its May 14 meeting. For the 2024-25 school year, Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) would receive approximately $21.1 million in formula grant funds through programs authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA).

Cost Per Pupil

*Includes regular day school, school food services, summer school, adult education, pre-kindergarten, athletics, textbooks, and other educational functions; however, excludes certain expenditures (e.g., non-regular day school programs, non-local education agency programs, facilities, debt service, capital outlay additions). Non-local education agency programs include expenditures made by the division for state-operated education programs (in hospitals, clinics, and detention homes) that are located within the school division and reimbursed with state funds.

FY 2023***
STATE $ 4,858 $ 4,787 $ 4,874 $ 5,559
SALES TAX 1,327 1,341 1,545 1,450
FEDERAL 1,352 1,343 2,274 2,966
LOCAL**** 6,669 5,783 6,820 7,054
TOTAL $ 14,206 $ 13,254 $ 15,513 $ 17,029

*Includes regular day school, school food services, summer school, adult education, pre-kindergarten, athletics, textbooks, and other educational functions; however, excludes certain expenditures (e.g., non-regular day school programs, non-local education agency programs, facilities, debt service, capital outlay additions). Non-local education agency programs include expenditures made by the division for state-operated education programs (in hospitals, clinics, and detention homes) that are located within the school division and reimbursed with state funds.

**Commonwealth of Virginia, Superintendent's Annual Report for Virginia.

***Based on the approved School Board Operating Budget and approved by City Council.

****Includes the City of Virginia Beach and other local sources (e.g., rental of facilities, summer school tuition, adult education fees, cafeteria service charges), along with the following adjustments and qualifications:

FY 2021 (Actual) and FY 2022 (Estimated) - Includes expenditures of carryover encumbrances and appropriated fund balances and expenditures of CARES Act, ESSER I, ESSER & GEER, and CRF, excludes certain operating transfers, net of City reversion (i.e., actual/estimated unexpended balance returned to the City), and other necessary adjustments that can cause, along with other factors, fluctuations in the local average per pupil expenditures from fiscal year to fiscal year.

FY 2023 (Approved) - Based on the approved School Board Operating Budget and approved by City Council; however, it does not include certain adjustments necessary to compute the FY 2021 (Actual) and FY 2022 (Estimated) local average per pupil expenditures and, therefore, it will affect the comparability of the FY 2023 (Approved) local average per pupil expenditures amount to the FY 2021 (Actual) and FY 2022 (Estimated) amounts.