At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Gifted Dance Education and Gifted Visual Arts Programs
- Gifted Dance Education Program for Students Entering Grades 3-8
- Gifted Visual Arts Program for Students Entering Grades 3-5
- Gifted Visual Arts Program for Students Entering Grades 6-8
Gifted Dance Education Program for Students Entering Grades 3-8
Program Timeline
Oct. 2024 |
Gifted Dance Education application available online for students currently in grades 2-7. |
Nov. 13, 2024 | Gifted Dance Education Citywide Parent Information Night for students currently in grades 2-7. Tours of the dance studios at 5:00 p.m., presentation at 5:30 p.m. at Old Donation School, 4633 Honeygrove Road. |
Jan. 7, 2025 | Deadline: Gifted Dance Education applications are due by 4:00 p.m. VBCPS student’s application is to be submitted online. Non-VBCPS applications are due to Old Donation School 4633 Honeygrove Road by 4:00 p.m. Late or faxed applications will not be processed. |
Apr. 21-28, 2025 | Gifted Dance Education Auditions at Old Donation School. |
May 2, 2025 | Gifted Dance Education Identification/Selection Committee decisions are emailed to parents/guardians. |
Program Description
Education in the art of dance teaches kinesthetic learners how to access knowledge through movement. Creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills are taught using collaborative and innovative processes which can transfer to other areas of academic curricula. Students participate in in-depth performance units taking on Roles of the Discipline as choreographer, producer, designer, and collaborator. Students work collaboratively with teachers and/or peers to create original products with the opportunity to display work for real audiences. Physical skill development is nurtured as well as knowledge of dance theory, history, performance, presentation, and critical thinking using choreographic and collaborative tools.
Admission into the Gifted Dance Program is determined through an application process. The Gifted Dance Education Program for students entering grades 3-8 is housed at Old Donation School (ODS). Transportation to and from the one-day-per-week program to ODS is provided using assigned bus stops in the student’s neighborhood. Elementary students will not attend their home school one day each week, and instead, will go to ODS. Middle school students go to ODS in the morning and are bussed to their home school at 1:50 p.m. to retrieve missed assignments and join dismissal.
Students and parents should be advised that the Gifted Dance Program is not a recreational program and that there will be some requirements involving in-depth physical, oral, and written work inside and outside of the classroom beyond their traditional home school schedule. Prior dance experience or training is not required for identification.
Students are expected to continue to make academic progress while attending their home school four days a week. Like all courses in Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS), gifted dancers receive a grade for gifted dance.
Referral Procedures
- Parents/guardians may refer their minor students by submitting an application via the Gifted Visual Arts and Gifted Dance Education Application Management System at
- Students may refer themselves by submitting an online application via
- Teachers, peers, VBCPS staff or others may refer a student by contacting the school’s gifted resource teacher (GRT) or art teacher.
- The application does not require teacher recommendations.
Identification information
Students who attend an in-person audition for identification and placement will be informed in advance of the audition date and given transportation information. Transportation will be provided for students on the originally scheduled date of their audition.
Criteria considered by the Gifted Dance Identification and Placement Committee are based on strong potential in dance as demonstrated during a one-day audition to include strong developmental skills, use of space, and creative solutions. There are no solo auditions. Students, in small groups, are given directions and demonstrations and are taught combinations with rehearsal time and music provided for the audition. Formal dance training is not required to be considered for this program.
The Gifted Dance Identification and Placement Committee reviews each application to holistically determine eligibility for gifted services in visual arts. The committee seeks evidence that the student demonstrates potential for exceptional performance. Committee members are trained on identifying the traits, attributes, and behaviors of gifted dancers. Decisions are based on a consensus of the committee. No single instrument, score, or criterion is used to exclude or include a child for eligibility. Testing conducted outside the school division will not be considered in gifted identification or the appeals process.
Gifted Visual Arts Program for Students Entering Grades 3-5
Program Timeline
Oct. 2024 |
Gifted Visual Arts application available online for students currently in grades 2-7. |
Nov. 13, 2024 | Elementary School Gifted Visual Arts Citywide Parent Information Night for students currently in grades 2-4. Tours of the art studios at 5:00 p.m., presentation at 5:30 p.m. at Old Donation School 4633 Honeygrove Road. |
Dec. 10, 2024 | Middle School Gifted Visual Arts Program, housed at Virginia Beach Middle School, Citywide Parent Information Night for students currently in grades 5-7. Gifted Visual Arts presentation at 5:15 p.m. Rising 6-8 grade information at Virginia Beach Middle School, 600 25th Street. |
Jan. 7, 2025 | DEADLINE: Gifted Visual Arts applications are due by 4:00 p.m. VBCPS student’s application is to be submitted online. Non-VBCPS applications are due to Old Donation School, 4633 Honeygrove Road, by 4:00 p.m. Late or faxed applications will not be processed. |
Jan. 8, 2025 | Portfolios are distributed to all students who submitted an online application by the January 7, 2025, 4:00 p.m. deadline. |
Jan. 29, 2025 | DEADLINE: Gifted Visual Arts completed portfolios due to the student’s Gifted Resource Teacher, by 4:00 p.m. Non-VBCPS portfolios due to Old Donation School, 4633 Honeygrove Road, by 4:00 p.m. Late or faxed portfolios will not be processed. |
Program Description
The Gifted Visual Arts Program curriculum integrates aesthetic perception, creativity, and skill development through visual arts objectives. Within each unit of study, students explore conceptual themes through the lens of two-dimensional art, three-dimensional art, color, and innovation in the arts. Students create art with meaning that involves the understanding of the theories of art, including design concepts, as well as art history, appreciation, and criticism through personal and collaborative projects.
Admission into the Gifted Visual Arts Program is determined through an application process. The elementary Gifted Visual Arts Program, for students entering grades 3-5, is housed at Old Donation School (ODS). Transportation to and from the one-day-per-week program to ODS is provided using assigned bus stops in the student’s neighborhood. Elementary students will not attend their home school one day each week, and instead, will go to ODS. Once identified in gifted visual arts, a student is eligible to continue in the middle school program housed at Virginia Beach Middle School for grades 6-8. Students attend Virginia Beach Middle School as their homeschool with the gifted art course imbedded in their daily schedule.
Students are expected to continue to make academic progress while attending their home school four days a week. Like all courses in Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS), gifted visual arts students receive a grade for gifted visual arts.
Screening Procedures
Parents/guardians of minor students who are interested in the gifted visual arts program must submit an online application by January 7, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Late applications will not be accepted.
On January 8, 2025, directions for screening portfolio contents will be provided to all students who have a submitted application by the school’s gifted resource teacher or a designated staff member. Students must return the screening portfolio to the location noted on the packet by the end of the school day on January 29, 2025. Late portfolios will not be accepted.
Students who exhibit exceptional abilities and potential are invited to attend an in-person audition for identification and placement.
Both an online application and a portfolio are required for consideration into the program.
Referral Procedures
- Parents/guardians may refer their minor students by submitting an application via the Gifted Visual Arts and Gifted Dance Education Application Management System at
- Students may refer themselves by submitting an application via
- Teachers, peers, VBCPS staff or others may refer a student by contacting the school’s gifted resource teacher (GRT) or art teacher.
- The application does not require teacher recommendations.
Identification Information
Students who attend an in-person audition for identification and placement will be informed in advance of the audition date and given transportation information. Transportation will be provided for students on the originally scheduled date of their audition. The one-day audition involves the creation of a three-dimensional piece, an observational drawing of a still life, and a creative drawing activity.
The Gifted Visual Arts Identification and Placement Committee reviews each application to holistically determine eligibility for gifted services in visual arts. The committee seeks evidence that the student demonstrates potential for exceptional performance. Committee members are trained on identifying the traits, attributes, and behaviors of gifted visual artists. Decisions are based on a consensus of the committee. No single instrument, score, or criterion is used to exclude or include a child for eligibility. Testing conducted outside the school division will not be considered in gifted identification or the appeals process.
Gifted Visual Arts Program for Students Entering Grades 6-8
Program Timeline
Oct. 2024 |
Gifted Visual Arts application available online for students currently in grades 2-7. |
Nov. 13, 2024 | Elementary School Gifted Visual Arts Citywide Parent Information Night for students currently in grades 2-4. Tours of the art studios at 5:00 p.m., presentation at 5:30 p.m. at Old Donation School 4633 Honeygrove Road. |
Dec. 10, 2024 | Middle School Gifted Visual Arts Program, housed at Virginia Beach Middle School, Citywide Parent Information Night for students currently in grades 5-7. Gifted Visual Arts presentation at 5:15 p.m. Rising 6-8 grade information at Virginia Beach Middle School, 600 25th Street. |
Jan. 7, 2025 | DEADLINE: Gifted Visual Arts applications are due by 4:00 p.m. VBCPS student’s application is to be submitted online. Non-VBCPS applications are due to Old Donation School, 4633 Honeygrove Road, by 4:00 p.m. Late or faxed applications will not be processed. |
Jan. 8, 2025 | Portfolios are distributed to all students who submitted an online application by the January 7, 2025, 4:00 p.m. deadline. |
Jan. 29, 2025 | DEADLINE: Gifted Visual Arts completed portfolios due to the student’s Gifted Resource Teacher, by 4:00 p.m. Non-VBCPS portfolios due to Old Donation School, 4633 Honeygrove Road, by 4:00 p.m. Late or faxed portfolios will not be processed. |
Program Description
The Gifted Visual Arts Program curriculum integrates aesthetic perception, creativity, and skill development through visual arts objectives. Each nine-weeks, students take a conceptual look at art related to two-Dimensional art, three-Dimensional art, color, and innovation. Students create art with meaning that involves the understanding of the theories of art, including design concepts, as well as art history, appreciation, and criticism. Students work individually, as well as collaboratively, as they build their art portfolio showcasing depth and breadth in media, concepts, and design compositions.
Admission into the Gifted Visual Arts Program is determined through an application process. The middle school Gifted Visual Arts Program, for students entering grades 6-8 is housed at Virginia Beach Middle School (VBMS) and identified gifted visual arts students attend as full-time students. Transportation to and from VBMS is provided using assigned bus stops in the student’s neighborhood.
The Gifted Visual Arts Program is incorporated within the middle school daily schedule. Gifted art students participate in a zero bell that runs fifty minutes before the typical school day starts. Sixth and seventh grade students will take their physical education class during this time, and eighth grade students take an additional gifted arts course, freeing up a second elective during the school day. Eighth-grade students may opt out of their physical education class if they choose to take a different elective class during the school day.
Like all courses in Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS), gifted artists receive a grade in art. The middle school gifted artist’s grade is included in the student’s overall grade point average (GPA). Students who participate in the program as an 8th grader receive one high school credit; accomplishing the goals and objects of the Art I: Foundations high school course.
The middle school Gifted Visual Arts Program prepares students for Advanced Art placement at their home high school or academy and for those students seeking admittance to either: The Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Salem High School or the Governor’s School for the Arts in Norfolk.
Screening Procedures
Parents/guardians of minor students who are interested in the gifted visual arts program must submit an online application by January 7, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. Late applications will not be accepted.
On January 8, 2025, directions for screening portfolio contents will be provided to all students who have a submitted application by the school’s gifted resource teacher or a designated staff member. Students must return the screening portfolio to the location noted on the packet by the end of the school day on January 29, 2025. Late portfolios will not be accepted.
Students who exhibit exceptional abilities and potential are invited to attend an in-person audition for identification and placement.
Both an online application and a portfolio are required for consideration into the program.
Referral Procedures
- Parents/guardians may refer their minor students by submitting an application via the Gifted Visual Arts and Gifted Dance Education Application Management System at
- Students may refer themselves by submitting an application via
- Teachers, peers, VBCPS staff or others may refer a student by contacting the school’s gifted resource teacher (GRT) or art teacher.
- The application does not require teacher recommendations.
Identification Information
Students who attend an in-person audition for identification and placement will be informed in advance of the audition date and given transportation information. Transportation will be provided for students on the originally scheduled date of their audition. The one-day audition involves the creation of a three-dimensional piece, an observational drawing of a still life, and a creative drawing activity.
The Gifted Visual Arts Identification and Placement Committee reviews each application to holistically determine eligibility for gifted services in visual arts. The committee seeks evidence that the student demonstrates potential for exceptional performance. Committee members are trained on identifying the traits, attributes, and behaviors of gifted visual artists. Decisions are based on a consensus of the committee. No single instrument, score, or criterion is used to exclude or include a child for eligibility. Testing conducted outside the school division will not be considered in gifted identification or the appeals process.