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Dual Language Immersion Program

In the Dual Language Immersion Program, students develop proficiency in Spanish and English through content matter instruction. The mission of the Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) Dual Language Immersion Program is to provide students with rigorous academic instruction in English and the partner language, to develop biliteracy skills and a multicultural perspective, and to empower students to actively engage in our global community.

What is dual language immersion (DLI)?

Dual language immersion (DLI) is an educational model that provides students the opportunity to develop high levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English and another language through instruction in core content areas. Unlike a traditional world language class, where the language itself is the focus of instruction, immersion students learn core VBCPS curriculum through the lens of a second language. VBCPS uses both one-way, 50/50 language immersion and two-way, 80/20 immersion instructional models.

Contact Information

For registration and application questions, please contact the above schools directly.

For more information about the school division's dual language immersion program curriculum, contact Kelly Arble, K-12 World Languages Coordinator, in the Department of Teaching and Learning at 757.263.1469.