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Online Courses & Registration for Summer School

Digital Campus High School Summer Program Description

The Digital Campus high school summer program provides credit courses for high school students to accelerate their program of study or to take first time courses needed to stay on the proper graduation schedule. Students enrolling in a credit bearing VBDC course must complete a two-session summer program equal to one year of instruction in the regular school term to receive full credit. Students repeating a course they have previously failed may earn credit by completing a one-session summer course and should not register for full VBDC courses.

Virginia Beach Digital Campus online courses are taught in the two-session summer format for first time takers. All course offerings are dependent upon sufficient enrollment and the availability of suitable certified and endorsed instructors.

All VBCPS students who are taking a summer school course and are required to take the associated end-of-course (EOC) SOL test may be expected to participate in taking the SOL test during summer school, unless the student has already passed the test. Students must be enrolled in Virginia Beach City Public Schools for the 2023-2024 school year before testing begins. These classes may require an EOC SOL test: English 11, VA/US History, World Geography, World History I and II, Algebra I, Algebra II/Trig, Geometry, Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry.

Dates: June 18 – August 6