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Appeals Process

Parents or guardians may appeal the decision of an academy or advanced academic program selection committee when there is pertinent information that was not submitted with the original application. Appeals must be submitted to the coordinator (middle and high school programs) or principal (elementary programs) of the academy or advanced academic program in writing via letter or electronic communication and must include the additional pertinent information.

Deadline Dates for Appeals

  • February 28, 2025: All high school academy programs and advanced academic programs
  • April 4, 2025: Middle Years Program at Plaza Middle School

All data initially gathered in the application process will be reviewed by the appeals committee and may not be revised, updated, or in any other way modified. This includes, but is not limited to student applications and recommendations, testing, auditions, and portfolios. If any portion of the original student application was not included in the application, it may not be added at the time of appeal. The coordinator of middle and high academy or advanced academic programs or principal of elementary academy programs will form an appeals committee. At the meeting of the appeals committee, all application data that has been collected in the application process, including additional, pertinent information submitted in the appeal will be reviewed.

The committee's decision regarding a student not selected for the program and not placed on the waiting list may include one of the following:

  • Uphold the original decision of the selection committee
  • Reverse the decision of the selection committee moving the student to the accepted list of students
  • Reverse the decision of the selection committee moving the student to the waiting list of students

The committee's decision regarding a student not selected for the program, but placed on the waiting list may include one of the following:

  • Uphold the original decision of the selection committee
  • Reverse the decision of the selection committee moving the student from the waiting list to the list of accepted student

The parents or guardians will be informed of the appeals committee’s decision by letter. If the parents/guardians do not agree with this decision, they may submit an additional appeal to the Executive Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning within 5 business days of the receipt of the appeals committee’s decision letter.